Mircea Diaconu is a famous Romanian film and theater actor, writer and politician. He was born on December 24, 1949 in Vladesti, Romania. He graduated from Institute of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography in 1971. In 1972, he plays first role in the movie Adio, draga Nela. Other notable roles in Profetul, aurul si ardelenii (1978), Buletin de Bucuresti (1983), Asfalt Tango (1993). He plays on the stage of the theater ''Nottara'' in Bucharest. National Order "For Merit" in the rank of Officer. 1977 the prize for the debut of the Writers' Union. He is married with actress Diana Lupescu. They have 2 children, Ana and Victor.
Mircea Albulescu、Tomi Cristin
Isfan Alexandru、Petrica Alexandru
米尔卡·迪亚科努、Dorel Visan
伊拉里昂·乔巴努、Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan
乔·巴尔通、Ion Vîlcu
Carmen Galin、Mircea Diaconu
Isfan Alexandru、Petrica Alexandru
米尔卡·迪亚科努、Dorel Visan
Victor Rebengiuc、Mariana Mihut
伊拉里昂·乔巴努、Mariana Mihut