爱德华·沃洛达尔斯基 Eduard Volodarsky

  • 别名:Эдуа́рд Я́ковлевич Волода́рский
  • 性别:
  • 获奖: 电视电影 最佳编剧
  • 星座:水瓶座
  • 出生地:苏联,乌克兰,哈尔科夫市
  • 职业:编剧 / 演员



第19届上海电视节白玉兰奖 获得电视电影 最佳编剧。获奖影视: 《生活与命运》


He was a Russian screenwriter who penned such classic Russian films as At Home Among Strangers in 1974, which was his first hit, and ** Friend Ivan Lapshin in 1984.Volodarsky's willingness to deviate from official Soviet propaganda accounts of war, such as those of World War II, led to censorship from Soviet authorities.For example, Trial of the Road, which was filmed in 1971 was not released until 1986 during Perestroika. Likewise, Soviet film censors refused to release ** Friend Ivan Lapshin until several years after it was finished in the early 1980s. He died in Russia at the age of 71 and was survived by his wife, Farida A. Volodarskaya.

