Nathalie Teirlinck

Nathalie Teirlinck

Nathalie Teirlinck简介


第60届柏林国际电影节 获得主竞赛单元 最佳短片(提名)。获奖影视: 《我和维纳斯》


Nathalie Teirlinck (1985) graduated summa cum laude from the Belgian film school KASK in 2007. Her three short films, "Anémone" (2006), "Juliette" (2007) and "Venus vs Me" (2010), were acclaimed at several national and international film festivals. While "Anémone" and "Juliette" were awarded Best Student Film at the International Film Festival of Ghent, "Anémone" was nominated for the Locarno film festival and "Venus vs. Me" was awarded an European Film Academy nomination at the prestigious Berlin film festival. Nathalie Teirlinck also directed music videos for the famous Belgian bands Novastar and Admiral Freebee. With "Send all your horses", "Yesterday (or how we felt about the rumour)" and "Staring Girl" she got involved into theatre as well. At the moment, Nathalie Teirlinck is teaching at the film school KASK and working on her first feature film "Tonic Immobility".

Nathalie Teirlinck合作伙伴

Nathalie Teirlinck最近作品

莲花观看 Pauline Grossen、Lena Suijkerbuijk

Pauline Grossen、Lena Suijkerbuijk

昨日重现观看 伊夫林·布洛初、艾瑞克·艾伯纳尼 6.6


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