Ben Kronberg Ben Kronberg Kronberg

Ben Kronberg Ben Kronberg
  • 性别:
  • 职业:演员

Ben Kronberg Ben Kronberg简介


Ben Kronberg combines clever one-liners and witty observations with catchy songs that he performs while playing instruments like the guitar, Casio-keyboard and iPhone! Much of his material has been inspired by girlfriends, who are now incidentally ex-girlfriends. Since his breakout performance at ***’s Aspen Comedy Festival, Ben has performed on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” “Last Call With Carson Daly” and “John Oliver’s New York Stand-Up Show.” Comedy Central recently named Ben as one of the “Comics to Watch.” Ben is also the star of the popular web series: “Ted & Gracie,” a story of a woman who is engaged to a serial killer, but has no idea.@benkronberg (****://cromcomedyfest****/ben-kronberg/)

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