丹·列维 Dan Levy

  • 性别:
  • 出生日期:1981-03-19
  • 出生地:美国,康涅狄格州斯坦福德
  • 职业:演员 / 编剧 / 制片人



Dan Levy's mother placed him in a comedy class at the age of nine.Enrolled at Emerson College in Boston, Dan jump-started his career as a stand-up comedian while maintaining his full-time student status. By the end of his freshman year, Dan performed regularly at The Comedy Connection, Nick's Comedy Stop, and The Comedy Studio. He spent that summer interning for "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" and performing at various New York **** venues, such as The Comic Strip Live.His comedy career took off when he was chosen to compete for the title of "Funniest College Comedian in America" at the 2001 Aspen U.S. Comedy Arts Festival. Dan won the title and signed a deal with the All-True Network in New York ****, where he wrote and created the comedic reality show "The Dan Levy Show."