Peak cinema. The best to ever do it. Show stopping ****. Made me cry. Romance drama suspense action psychological thriller art cinema all at once. Sam Levinson could never. Creators take notes. Working miracles ** I now believe that we Pisces people are redeemable. Ppl who back trash men are trash too. Justine is a badass and a Goddess. #TeamJJ!!!!
TeamJJ is mama and papa!! SUPER love the charm of muscles, power and the maturity. Kyra, Lisa, Justine and Courtney have been just gorgeous. Get rid of jealousy and hate. Be a good **** player, loyal and lovable. #yesitsthereasonIstayawakethislatethistwoweeks
****不好看,感情也只是**** partner没投入
- 一如既往的抓马跟狗血,真的佩*PD
Peak cinema. The best to ever do it. Show stopping ****. Made me cry. Romance drama suspense action psychological thriller art cinema all at once. Sam Levinson could never. Creators take notes. Working miracles ** I now believe that we Pisces people are redeemable. Ppl who back trash men are trash too. Justine is a badass and a Goddess. #TeamJJ!!!!
两星半吧,不怎么好看。Curtis长相都有点变了,眼睛都跟以前长得不一样了,本来想看看他这回干点啥,结果啥都没干就走了。后期好难看啊,老岛民抱团,把能有看点的长得帅的***通通淘汰了,想要弃吧又觉得就掉几集在那儿不太好,还有个友情组也可以看,于是断断续续倍速看的,再出视*找点帅哥鉴赏搭着看(我太难了)。最后一集投票审判还稍微有点看点。 不过也提醒了我,得赶紧找个180有腹肌的帅哥谈恋爱了。
好看,比平常的爱情岛好看,**,Justine 和cely 好假,kyra 和Courtney 要**我,性格也喜欢,callum 和deb这一对太磕了,俩人太甜太有趣了,这一季的笑点都承包在callum身上了,可惜最后没能成为赢家,真不懂Johnny 到底有啥魅力了,三言两语哄骗那么多女嘉宾,考特尼竟然跟了他还,Megan 一开始惊艳我,但是看多了感觉人物性格没什么特点,还不忠诚,对于最后赢家太失望了
TeamJJ is mama and papa!! SUPER love the charm of muscles, power and the maturity. Kyra, Lisa, Justine and Courtney have been just gorgeous. Get rid of jealousy and hate. Be a good **** player, loyal and lovable. #yesitsthereasonIstayawakethislatethistwoweeks
好久没看Love island系列了,有点怀念当年那个还在真情实感,愤愤不平搞纯爱的自己🙂 为了看记忆里那几个老熟人,每个女生浑身上下散发着由内而外的自信,能二次回归说明内心真的强大到不行,吾辈楷模了各位姐🙇🏼♀️ 男的懒得说也没法说(社会现状🤗),顶着个啤酒肚在慢镜头下颠来颠去的脂肪还在那里耀武扬威、对镜**我真的想吐。4.5号看完了补:我本来印象里第二季挺喜欢celly和Justin,但是这一季缺点在我眼里被无限放大,也可能是我心态变了?硬凹人设,言语热情但实际上虚伪冷漠。仅仅为了男人一句话就开始举棋不定,以泪洗面。usa每一集都在以朋友之名抱团,可是最后Ray是怎么离开的?又要说游戏策略不能当真,利用完所谓的朋友就抛弃。自圆其说感动自己感动停留在剪辑的观众。