A Trip Down Memory Lane


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Konrad Adenauer / Vannevar Bush / Reginald Cudlipp
  • 类型:纪录片 / 短片
  • 地区: 加拿大
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A Trip Down Memory Lane又名Additional Material for a Time-capsule

From Arthur Lipsett, another incisive short film that looks at human might, majesty and mayhem. Compiled from some peculiar newsreel items of the last 50 years, the filmmaker calls this a time capsule, yet his arrangement of pictures makes it almost explosive. There are hundreds of items, once front-**** stuff, but all wryly grotesque when seen in this reshuffle of the past.

发布于1965年。由Arthur Lipsett执导,集众多位Konrad Adenauer、Vannevar Bush、Reginald Cudlipp等著名实力派明星加盟。


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A Trip Down Memory Lane评价

  • 从人类第一次飞天开始,历史的车轮就运转了。

  • 21-87后 Arthur的作品就不那么好玩了
