Halifax f.p: Afraid of the Dark


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Halifax f.p: Afraid of the Dark

When several people are brutally murdered at a ******* station, Jane Halifax lends her forensic psychiatric skills to the police investigation that immediately follows. As the case progresses, she establishes a strange rapport with Ray Harvey, a mechanic that is the principal witness to the killings, as they both struggle with internal demons involving the loss of loved ones. M...

发布于1998年。由Steve Jodrell执导,并且由编剧Jutta Goetze携幕后团队创作。集众多位瑞贝卡·吉布尼、休·杰克曼、尚恩·康纳等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1998公映的电影。


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Halifax f.p: Afraid of the Dark评价

  • 就着迷醉的俄语配音扫了一遍,青年休演一个小警察,一段儿失败的办公室恋情。女主是个女强人。
