Jane Doe: How to Fire Your Boss


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Jane Doe: How to Fire Your Boss

When two CSA agents assassinate their mentors but don't remember the killings, ****** puzzle-solver Cathy Davis (Lea Thompson, Doubting Thomas), a.k.a. Jane Doe, is called in to find out why. What she soon uncovers is a secret government experiment in mind control that's being used to silence those who know too much. In a desperate race against the clock, Cathy must reveal who ...

发布于2007年。由James A. Contner执导,并且由编剧Adam Armus携幕后团队创作。集众多位莉·汤普森、乔·佩尼、威廉姆·R·莫塞斯等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007公映的电影。


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