Las Combatientes


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 地区: 波多黎各
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Las Combatientes

近两年反映波多黎各当代女***的影片中拍得较好的一部,波多黎各女导演索妮亚的新作。  And you think life is tough...Why was this movie overlooked during Oscar time beats me....The story, the acting, everything about this movie is excellent. I seriously hope that this movie gets **** attention because it truly deserves it. I actually forgot that I was watching a movie and honestly believed that the actresses were actually...

发布于2004年。由Sonia Valentín执导,并且由编剧Alba Nydia Díaz携幕后团队创作。并于2004公映的电影。


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