Metal Macbeth


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Metal Macbeth

"A metal band in the 80's and a Mad Max-like near future intermingle in an eye-opening "New Macbeth"! In the year 2206, after innumerable slayings and destructions, a heath littered with dead bodies and rubble was left. Three eerie witches manifest themselves in front of an invincible General Randomstar that ESP Kingdom is proud of. They leave a prophecy saying, "All of your fu...

发布于2007年。集众多位松隆子、森山未来、北村有起哉、上条恒彦、Masaaki Uchino、Jun Hashimoto、Shôko Takada、Macoto Awane等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007-02-09(日本)公映的电影。


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