Second Impression


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Second Impression

Now on the verge of engagement to his longtime girlfriend, Kiera, Dan McPherson finds himself aching again for his wilder days. After a bitter fight, Kiera reluctantly agrees to a month apart to let Dan "figure everything out." But after a chance meeting with a mystical old woman, Dan awakens to find himself in an existence where his now much different life has progressed exact...

发布于2015年。由Wallace Weatherspoon执导,并且由编剧汉兹·瓦塞尔布格携幕后团队创作。集众多位唐尼·波阿斯、迈克·加萨威、Benjamin Dane、Ben Wolfe、拉娜·迪特里克、汉兹·瓦塞尔布格、Renee Beale、Christina Childress等著名实力派明星加盟。


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