She Must Be Seeing Things


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:剧情
  • 地区: 美国
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She Must Be Seeing Things

Jo and Agatha are lovers. Both have careers: the Brasilian-born Agatha is an attorney; Jo is a filmmaker, working hard to complete the shooting of a movie called, "Catalina."  Agatha may be seeing things: she's jealous, convinced Jo is having an affair with a man and follows her. But is it Jo she's following, or someone who looks like her? Jo is either too exhausted to pay much ...

发布于1987年。由Sheila McLaughlin执导,并于1987-09-14公映的电影。


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She Must Be Seeing Things评价

  • 概念先行的电影,拍得像**一样。刻意地模仿情节剧又靠乔和阿加莎的同性元素打破观影的**,究竟是导演疑神疑鬼还是观众疑神疑鬼呢。还有,楼上的根本没有看过这个片子吧?什么叫做“充满电影感”?这片子本身就是要反对主流叙事电影的“电影感”的,别球瞎掰了
