The Confederate Ironclad


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The Confederate Ironclad

During the US civil war, Elinor, a pretty northern girl, comes south to visit her aunt. Little does anyone know, but she's a spy. Lt. Yancey, who's close to being engaged to the fetching and resourceful Rose, is gallant enough to show the Yankee guest around, including a walk down a hidden creek where a gunboat is built and awaits powder. Elinor sends this intelligence north, a...

发布于1912年。由克尼恩·比埃尔执导,集众多位Guy Coombs、安娜·Q·尼尔松、米兰·库柏、Hal Clements等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1912公映的电影。


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The Confederate Ironclad评价

  • ①Anna Q. Nilsson;② Miriam Cooper
