The Egg-Cited Rooster


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The Egg-Cited Rooster又名The EGGcited Rooster

The story begins with Foghorn being forced by his domineering wife to remain in the henhouse to sit on an egg that is about to hatch while his wife goes out to play bridge. The hen warns Foghorn not to leave the egg unattended or he'll get a lot of lumps on his head, to which Foghorn replies: "No, dreamboat" but then changes "dreamboat" to "tugboat" when the hen is out of earsh...

发布于1952年。由罗伯特·麦金森执导,并且由编剧特德·皮尔斯携幕后团队创作。集众多位梅尔·布兰科、Marian Richman等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1952-10-04公映的电影。


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