Os Demónios de Alcácer Quibir


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: António Berengela / Ana Zanatti / Sérgio Godinho
  • 类型:剧情 / 传记
  • 地区: 葡萄牙
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Os Demónios de Alcácer Quibir又名The Ghosts of Alcacer-Kibir

Alentejo 1975. The Police associate a group of traveling players with a strike of agricultural workers. The action takes place in the open ***** and harsh heat of the Alentejo. With the connivance of Lianor, the troupe enters the palace of Don Gonzalo an old aristocrat. The gentleman is obsessed by visions of ***** past deeds in a universe of ghosts. This was the first example ...

发布于1977年。由José Fonseca e Costa执导,并且由编剧若泽·丰塞卡·埃·科斯塔、Augusto Sobral携幕后团队创作。集众多位António Berengela、Ana Zanatti、Sérgio Godinho、Luís Barradas、João Semedo等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1977公映的电影。


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Os Demónios de Alcácer Quibir评价

  • 吉他-步枪,嬉皮士,小丑与**者的形象,75年南方的占地运动,转瞬即逝的Gonçalvismo和永不过时的Sebastianismo,论后****的历史意识与电影作为传播媒介的时效性,葡语**歌曲好听
