"What's your nationality?" "None." "Well, what country are you a citizen of?" "I am a citizen of industry." "Where is your home?" "Cook County Jail." "Before that." "County Jail, Cleveland, Ohio." "And before that." "**** Jail, Akron, Ohio." "Look, are you a citizen?" "No, I'm an Industrial Worker of the World."
"What's your nationality?" "None." "Well, what country are you a citizen of?" "I am a citizen of industry." "Where is your home?" "Cook County Jail." "Before that." "County Jail, Cleveland, Ohio." "And before that." "**** Jail, Akron, Ohio." "Look, are you a citizen?" "No, I'm an Industrial Worker of the World."
详实的采访 扛不住岁月 一切仿佛未曾发生过
Shawn Chan-SY
聽著一群老人說過往的鬥爭史,反而很平淡。這不是說IWW的鬥爭平淡,而是它沉澱下來了,就像IWW並不鼓吹**,反而製造了最大的暴力:它是以非勞動來拒絕勞動,是種反暴力的暴力。全片的口述史形式也是說話,而不是某種**的畫面鋪砌。在這平复的氣氛之下仍是危險在潛伏,wobblies所言的class war仍然持續,它是一種struggle(一般不用**),但是也是war,是沒有國家的戰爭。內戰的持續性就在於無產階級的血液之中,這不是血統之類的cliche,而是現實*著人群作出反應,它似乎像本能一樣,卻比本能更可怕,它是不會停的,即使肉身會腐朽,它卻會繼續傳播下去。片末眾人的總結說明,如果沒法使勞動者掌握他們自身——既是最高也是最低的權力,則誓不罷休。