Top Banana


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Top Banana

I believe the only current way to truely appreciate this movie is to get the soundtrack of the stage play on disc or CD and listen to it. It will certainly fill in a lot of the gaps and lessen the confusion when the VHS video is viewed. Somewhere I read that "A Word A Day" was never filmed; too bad, as it's a ***** number. Based on the soundtrack, which has surprisingly good fi...

发布于1954年。由Alfred E. Green执导,并且由编剧吉恩·汤携幕后团队创作。集众多位菲尔·西尔沃斯、罗斯·玛丽、杰克·艾伯森等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1954-02-22公映的电影。


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