Eva and her 13-year-old, autistic son Felix are inseparable. Felix is shy, suffering from attacks of anxiety and rage, and frequently running away from school. Meanwhile, Eva fights with all her might to maintain a stable and harmonious life together. She gets support from her neighbor Pelle, who catches feelings for her. Felix seems to really like him, too. For a short time, a...
正在播放:我们的爱我们的旗帜 。 更新于,播放来源于腾讯。
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剧情介绍:我们的旗帜-Eva and her 13-year-old, autistic son Felix are inseparable. Felix is shy, suffering from attacks of anxiety and rage, and frequently running away from school. Meanwhile, Eva fights with all her might to maintain a stable and harmonious life together. She gets support from her neighbor Pelle, who catches feelings for her. Felix seems to really like him, too. For a short time, a...——新小兵播放提供。